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Digital transformation covers a huge number of processes, interactions, transactions, technological evolution, changes, internal and external factors, industries, stakeholders and so forth.

Digital transformation goes beyond a new app or simple transfer of paperwork from overstuffed filing cabinets to the cloud. It’s the process of holistically re-imagining every aspect of your business and identifying how the latest technologies can:


(1) Creating a digital transformation roadmap 

The most important step is to start with a rock-solid understanding of the purpose behind your transformation. Which our experts will understand and define the current condition of the organization by allowing both party:
– To understand the ultimate objective/vision/mission of your empire,
– To obtain customer experiences through the client-facing employees,
– To pinpoint what aspects of your organization slow or hinder your ideal customer journey,
– To Rank the potential value of each strategy

(2) Choose one business process to automate

One of the ultimate goals of DT is eliminating silos. But for organizations just getting started, intentionally isolating one business process can not only produce quick wins, it can also better the odds of repeatable success.

That’s why we recommend starting with a business process that would clearly benefit from automation. For many organizations, this could mean a contract approval process. For others, it might mean appointing a chatbot to answer frequently asked questions.

No matter what process an organization chooses, those that understand the baseline cost and impact of their current process will be in the best position to push for company-wide transformation.

(3) Define business logic and key integrations

Once you’ve chosen a business process to automate canceltimesharegeek, it’s time to define how that process will work. Known as business rules, this step is crucial to an organization’s digital transformation. By defining how businesses processes should occur, organizations can:

  • Eliminate the inefficiencies that undocumented business processes usually produce
  • Scale their operations while providing employees with optimum levels of autonomy

But having a bunch of separate integrations and third-party apps won’t unify your operations any more than manual human interaction. To bring everything together, you’ll also need a platform that supports end-to-end automation.

(4) Decide on the right automation framework

Let’s take a quick look at some of these elements from published digital transformation frameworks. They include customer experience, culture and leadership, and operational agility, among others.

A quick look at Cognizant’s digital transformation framework highlights how you can use the structure to develop a digital vision and build new business models.

Image 1. Cognizant’s Digital Transformation Framework | (Source)

The whitepaper suggests that all elements of the framework should be further analyzed to ensure the full exploration of relevant digital opportunities. They also suggest that organizations need to rethink how they do business in the digital era and underscore the need to develop a digital transformation strategy and begin the digital transformation soon.

In conclusion, digital transformation frameworks are not about elements and stages, but more about vision, purpose, and resolve. It’s time for a new mindset and paradigm.

differences in terms

You’ll come across digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation quite often. Well, they’re not the same and each one has a different meaning. Let’s quickly look at the differences between digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation.

Digitization, in short, is the process of converting information locked in physical documents from analog to digital.

Digitalization is the process of using digitized information to work more simply and efficiently. And you’ll find increased importance of digitalization in business today more than ever.

Digital transformation is changing the way you conduct your business. It’s about taking a step back and revisiting everything you do, from internal systems to customer interactions, and more. A key element of DT is to understand the true potential of your technology.

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